
İda is a lonely teenaged girl raised in the woods by a small isolated tribe of men. They live a simple idyllic life, absent of the now mysterious technologies of a world that has reverted to wilderness after global ecological disaster.

Despite her boundless love for her father, İda runs away with her wolf-dog, Zag, drawn by her curiosity about the wider world. In her quest to find other young women like herself, she stumbles into Perfection, a technologically advanced society determined to eliminate emotions from the human experience.

İda is forced to stay and integrate with Perfection, but she hates her new life and wants to escape to her home in the woods. The more she learns about these strange people, the more they expect her to conform to their authoritarian dictates. In an apathetic society where they consider emotions an inherent weakness, İda struggles between believing the reality they present to her and resisting it to the point of rejecting it entirely. In the end she learns that escaping an unsatisfactory life in the woods is vastly different from escaping a society that seeks to remake who she is.


“The water was quiet. The only distraction was her mind. Her mind was far from silent. It was alive with wild thoughts. She took a deep breath and looked at the woman before her.”

Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work


Cover design and illustrations by Mazu Studio.

Its trunk had been carved away into a rough stairway for easy climbing. A sleeping chamber was nestled so high up in the tree that it wouldn’t have been immediately visible if it weren’t for the rope bridges connecting it to a couple of nearby treetops.Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work

The trees wouldn’t give up against the heat. They would try to use all the water they could find with their roots deep down in the earth. Humans weren’t as motivated to survive. Normally, the summer sun would be hot enough, but it was more than hot! It was like hell outside, and humans weren’t able to do anything about it. Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work

“I promise, Zag, there is life other than all of these trees, and I’ll find it for us.” Then, in silence, she thought, And I hope we like what we find.

Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work

İda is named after the sacred Mount İda and is pronounced “Ee-da.” Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work

Zag, a wolf–dog hybrid, was as black as a panther and was her best friend. Ida-Roots in Cloaks - Dystopian Novel cover work

Available at Amazon and Kobo

İDA – Roots in Cloaks is available at Amazon and Kobo

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